ACTL Summer School 2016

  • 11 Apr 2016 10:55
    Message # 3940019

    ACTL Summer School 2016

    Host Institution: University College London


    Dates: from 20 (Mon) June to 24 (Fri) June, 2016

    Location: London, United Kingdom

    Lecturers and course titles:

    • Caroline Féry (University of Frankfurt): Prosody at the interface with syntax and semantics
    • Kyle Johnson (University of Massachusetts, Amherst): Towards a Multidominant Theory of Movement
    • Giorgio Magri (Université Paris 8): Computational generative linguistics: some case studies in constraint-based phonology
    • Satoshi Tomioka (University of Delaware): Contrastiveness and Scalar Interpretations


    ACTL (Advanced Core Training in Linguistics) is a graduate level training program in theoretical linguistics. ACTL was founded in 2004 and is currently co-sponsored by Cambridge University, Oxford University, the University of Kent, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL), School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and University College London (UCL).

    ACTL organizes and coordinates a training program for Ph.D. students in Linguistics in the Southeast of England. We are proud to announce the ACTL summer school 2016, which will run from 20-24 June, 2016 on the premises of the linguistics department at UCL.

    Tuition: 100.00 GBP (Fees are waived for students currently registered at Cambridge University, the University of Kent, Oxford University, QMUL, SOAS, or UCL.)

    Tuition fees go to the organization and running of the school. 

    Registration: 01-Apr-2016 to 17-Jun-2016

    Contact Person: Richard Jardine

    Apply by Email:

    Registration Instructions:

    Apply by sending an email with your name, affiliation, and program of study as described on the school's web page.

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