PhD Funded Scholarship - Northumbria University (Deadline 18 March)

  • 03 Mar 2016 17:49
    Message # 3859129

    Subject line:

    PhD Funded Scholarship "An empirical study in English Linguistics" Northumbria University (Deadline 18 March)



    PhD Funded Scholarship: An empirical study in English Linguistics (RDF16/HUM/McKENZIE)

    Northumbria University – English Language and Linguistics, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences

    This PhD level research project will involve an empirical investigation in any area of English Linguistics.

    The specific topic will be negotiated with the supervisor, but we particularly welcome data-driven projects in the following areas of linguistic study:

    - Corpus linguistics

    - Cognitive linguistics and construction grammar

    - Pragmatics and information structure

    - Historical linguistics

    - Critical discourse analysis

    - Psycholinguistics

    - Second language acquisition

    - Heritage languages

    - Applied linguistics

    - Language and society

    The studentship includes a full stipend, paid for three years at RCUK rates (in 2016/17 this is £14,296 pa) and fees (Home/EU £4,350 / International £13,000).

    The successful candidate will undertake PhD level study, working in tandem with similar research currently being undertaken by staff and associated PhD students in the English Language & Linguistics group at Northumbria University:  

    Principal Supervisor: Dr Amanda Patten (Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics) and Professor Ewa Dabrowska (Professor of Linguistics), with other English Language and Linguistics staff involved as appropriate.


    The Postgraduate Community

    Northumbria has a large and lively postgraduate community in the Humanities. Our students benefit from generous research space and resources in the recently expanded Glenamara Centre as well as additional research facilities provided by the new Institute of the Humanities. PhD students develop a portfolio of skills and competencies through the Humanities Training Programme, the Teaching Shadowing Scheme, the annual PhD conference and the Graduate School’s Professional Development and Research Training Programme. In addition, each student is provided with a personal research allowance to be used for fieldwork costs and/or conference attendance as well as funding to support the organisation and development of research networks, conferences and seminar series.

    Eligibility and How to Apply

    Please note eligibility requirement:

    - Academic excellence i.e. 2:1 (or equivalent GPA from non-UK universities [preference for 1st class honours]); or a Masters with distinction.

    - Appropriate IELTS score, if required.

    It is expected that candidates will have a background in an area of Linguistics or English Language relevant to their chosen topic. However, applications from candidates with a background in other subject areas relevant to the topic would also be considered.

    For further details of how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see   

    Please ensure you quote the advert reference on your application form: An empirical study in English Linguistics (RDF16/HUM/McKENZIE).

    Important Dates

    Deadline for applications: 18 March 2016


    Interview date: w/c 2 May 2016


    Start Date: 3 October 2016

    Further details can be found on  

    And on our department web pages:

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