[Posted on behalf of Andrew HIppisley, University of Kentucky]
The Linguistics Program at the University of Kentucky is now accepting applications for the MA program in Linguistic Theory and Typology (MALTT)
for the fall of 2016. This program offers training in practical and
theoretical approaches to the analysis and description of natural
languages, to understanding the varied sociolinguistic matrices in which
languages are embedded, and to uncovering the paths along which languages
change through time. We place special emphasis on providing our students
with excellent training in the most up-to-date research techniques,
including computational, experimental, and quantitative methods, as well
as laboratory phonetics. Our goal is to provide our students with
intellectual preparation not only for doctoral studies in linguistics, but
also for careers in high-tech industry, text-based consultancies in law
and medicine, and jobs in government agencies. We have an exceptionally
accomplished faculty, whose individual profiles can be seen at the
Linguistics Program website: https://linguistics.as.uky.edu/faculty .
Students who apply for admission to the MALTT program are automatically
considered for financial support, usually in the form of a teaching
assistantship; while we cannot promise to be able to provide every
successful applicant with assistantship funding, we have generally been
quite successful in achieving that goal. Online application forms and
information about required application materials can be found on the
Graduate School admissions page:
http://www.research.uky.edu/gs/ProspectiveStudents/Admission.html .
Questions about MALTT and admission to the program should be directed to
Dr. Gregory Stump, Director of Graduate Studies, at:
The deadline for submission of applications for admission to the MALTT
program for the Fall Semester 2016 is: February 1, 2016.
The University of Kentucky's Linguistics Program will host the Linguistic
Society of America's 2017 Summer Institute. We are in the process of
acquiring department status and we are working to establish a doctoral
degree in linguistics. The University of Kentucky is situated in
Lexington, the heart of Kentucky's bluegrass region, surrounded by rolling
hills and beautiful horse farms.