5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (Lancaster University) *** 29-31 July 2014 *** Extended deadline ***

  • 13 Dec 2013 20:30
    Message # 1457750
    5th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference: Empirical Approaches to Language and Cognition
    29-31 July 2014, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

    Final Call for Papers (*NEW* extended deadline):

    We invite the submission of abstracts (for paper or poster presentations) addressing all aspects of cognitive linguistics.

    Plenary speakers:

    • Daniel Casasanto (University of Chicago)
    • Alan Cienki (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
    • William Croft (University of New Mexico)
    • Adele Goldberg (Princeton University)
    • Stefan Gries (University of California, Santa Barbara)
    • Elena Semino (Lancaster University)

    The conference aims to cover a broad range of research concerned with language and cognition. We will be especially interested in promoting strongly empirical work. To this end, we intend to organise (some of) the papers into thematic sessions, with our plenary speakers acting as discussants. The themes will be:

    • embodiment
    • gesture
    • typology and constructional analyses of the languages of the world
    • acquisition
    • corpora and statistical methods
    • metaphor and discourse

    In addition to these themes, submissions on other aspects of the field are also welcome, including:

    • domains and frame semantics
    • categorisation, prototypes and polysemy
    • mental spaces and conceptual blending
    • language evolution
    • linguistic variation and language change
    • cognitive linguistic approaches to language teaching

    Talks will be 20 minutes plus 10 minutes for questions and discussion. There will also be a poster session. The language of the conference is English.

    Abstracts of max. 300 words (excl. references) should be submitted using EasyChair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ukclc5. Participants may submit abstracts for no more than one single-authored paper and one joint-authored paper.

    Abstracts must be anonymous, and should be submitted in plain text and/or PDF format. If you need phonetic characters, please ensure that they are displayed correctly.

    To submit an abstract you must use your existing EasyChair login details. If you have not registered with EasyChair before, please do so using the link above. Once you have created an account or signed in follow the following steps:

    1. Click on the ‘New Submission’ link at the top of the page;
    2. Agree to the terms and conditions (if prompted);
    3. Fill in the relevant information about the author or authors;
    4. Give the title of the paper in the ‘Title’ box and then
    (a) enter/paste your abstract into the ‘Abstract’ box (remember that this is plain text only)
    (b) upload your abstract as a PDF file by clicking ‘Choose File’ under ‘Upload Paper’;
    5. At the top of your abstract, indicate whether you prefer an oral presentation, a poster, or either. Please do this by entering “oral presentation”, “poster”, or “oral presentation/poster” at the top of your abstract, above the title.
    6. Type three or more keywords into the ‘Keywords’ box (these will help us choose reviewers for your abstract, as well as a possible thematic session for your paper);
    7. When you are done, press ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page.

    Selected conference presentations are published by UK-CLA in ‘Selected Papers from UK-CLA Meetings’ (ISSN 2046-9144).

    Key dates and information
    *NEW* Extended abstract deadline: 10 January 2014
    Decisions communicated by: 21 February 2014
    Early bird registration opens: 21 February 2014
    Early bird registration closes: 31 March 2014
    Registration closes: 1 June 2014
    Conference dates: 29-31 July 2014
    Queries: uk-clc5@languageandcognition.net

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