The LAGB's Education Commttee has recently launched a number of projects, so we've decided that it's time to expand our numbers and
we're inviting offers for places. The posts are listed on, but in brief we're
looking for:
- one LAGB representative on CLIE for next summer
- a conference coordinator
- a project manager
- a teacher representative
In each case, we're looking for someone who is:
- a member of the LAGB, or is willing to become one - it's very
cheap:, and in special
cases we may be able to negotiate special rates.
- willing and able to devote some time to the EC job - say, an
hour a week, though probably distributed unevenly.
- informed (to some extent) about recent and current
developments in the UK's language education.
- able to work independently and to take initiative, but to
accept guidance from the rest of the committee.
There are no face-to-face meetings (except serendipitously when a
group of us happen to be attending a conference or other meeting),
but the CLIE rep will be expected to attend CLIE meetings (three a
year) and the conference coordinator will be expected to attend
the meetings they organise, with expenses paid.
To apply, please email me with a brief personal statement (including a website
if you have one), saying which role or roles you're applying for
and why you think you have the qualities we're looking for.
Best wishes, Dick Hudson