2017 Annual Meeting of the
Linguistics Association of Great Britain

Canterbury, University of Kent, 4-7 September 2017

Home | Call for papers and themed sessions | Venue | Programme | Registration | Abstracts

 Workshop | Summer school

Special events at LAGB 2017

Henry Sweet Lecture 2017

Lisa Matthewson (University of British Columbia)

'Not all experientials are perfect'

(joint work with Sihwei Chen, Hotze Rullmann and Jozina Vander Klok)

Linguistics Association Lecture 2017

Charles Yang (University of Pennsylvania) 

'To 73 and Beyond: The Hidden Connections between Language and Number'

Workshop on synthesising approaches to language learning and adaptation

Organised by Laura Bailey and Christina Kim.

Invited speakers to be confirmed shortly. 

Language Tutorial

There will be a Language Tutorial on Huave (isolate, Mexico) by Dr Yuni Kim (Manchester University)

LAGB Summer School 2017

The LAGB Summer School 2017 will provide postgraduate students (and other interested parties) with the opportunity to attend masterclasses in linguistics, receive training opportunities, meet linguists and socialise with other postgraduate students from across the UK. The one-day LAGB Summer School will take place on TBC. This event is co-organised by the LAGB Committee and the LAGB Student Committee.

Education Session

The LAGB Education Committee will run a special session at LAGB 2017 entitled 'Grammar teaching across the curriculum' focusing on grammar teaching across the curriculum at secondary school level in a national and international context. There will be talks by:

Sofie Ljungbo Jensen, Rungsted Gymnasium, Copenhagen, Denmark

Ian Cushing, University of Nottingham

Jessica J Clapham, University of Bangor

Susan Chapman, University of Aberystwyth

Lise Fontaine, University of Cardiff

For further details see http://lagb-education.org/lagb-education-sessions.

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