2024 Annual Meeting of the LAGB

Newcastle, United Kingdom, 27th - 30th August 2024

Home | Call for papers and themed sessions Programme | Registration | Travel

Henry Sweet Lecture 2024

Dr Heather Burnett (Université de Paris)

Linguistics Association Lecture 2024

Professor Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois - Urbana Champaigne) [abstract]

Summer School

Details TBC

Education Session

Each year, the LAGB hosts a free-to-attend Education committee special session. This year's session will focus on languages uptake in education. Further details of the session and invited speakers can be found here.

Themed Sessions

LAGB 2024 will feature two themed sessions: The Philosophy of Linguistics and Heritage Languages in the UK. When you submit your abstract, please select the relevant theme from the list provided. In addition, this years Education Committee session, which is free to attend and open to all, will focus on Languages uptake in education

Conference proceedings

Beginning with the Annual Meeting in Newcastle, the LAGB will publish online proceedings of the conference. More details and guidelines for papers will be announced in due course.


We are striving to make LAGB 2024 as accessible as possible. Prospective delegates will find through the registration page a field where accessibility needs can be stated. We will do all that we can to ensure that they are met. Should you have any particular questions about this, then our accessibility team will be happy to respond. Please write to Elaine Lopez here.


A limited number of bursaries are available for unwaged members (e.g. PhD students) to be able to attend LAGB 2024 and present a paper. The deadline for submission of applications will be announced shortly. Further details can be found here.

Sponsored by Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press will be offering a special discount on their books for attendees of the LAGB 2024 annual meeting. 

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