CFP: LCE2020
The First Virtual Conference on Language, Communication and Education (LCE2020) will be held on January 15-17, 2020 (15-22h Central European Time). The topic of LCE2020 is “Linguistic Advances in the Digital Era”. This virtual conference will bring together experts from the global linguistic community to discuss the timely issue of how to approach linguistic traditions from the perspectives of innovation, automatisation, computerisation, and globalisation. Thus, LCE2020 will provide a forum for sharing insights, experiences and interaction on linguistic investigations and techniques as well as on educative, social, political and industrial aspects that share a linguistic basis or approach. The conference will comprise a peer reviewed programme of plenary sessions, papers, posters, workshops, and demonstrations. The virtual conference platform will allow junior and established researchers to present ongoing and completed research in a variety of formats including oral, written, written-oral, and blackboard. The LCE2020 Conference, therefore, will offer good opportunities for the researchers and delegates to gain insight into unpublished research, to exchange new ideas, to establish links, and, ultimately, to build global partnership for potential collaboration both in theoretical and applied linguistic fields.
For more information, go to: www.virtlce.com