Syntax of Tense Day 2
Thursday 27 June 2019
King William Building, Room KW315, Greenwich Campus
This is our second discussion day on the Syntax of Tense at Greenwich and this time we count with the very authors of the papers that have influenced the work of so many throughout the years: Professors Tim Stowell (UCLA) and Hamida Demirdache (CNRS-University of Nantes).
Attendance is free but registration is essential for catering purposes. IMPORTANT: If you have any dietary requirements please, once you have booked AND had your place at the event confirmed, email: with further details.
11:00 -13:00: Reflections on the Syntax of Tense, by Professor Tim Stowell
13:00 -13:30: Lunch
13:30 -15:30: Syntax of Tense: relative clauses in Mandarin Chinese, by Professor Hamida Demirdache
15:30 -16:30: Joint discussion