Dear colleagues, please see information about the Language Rules conference (Nottingham April 15-17) below:
Dear colleagues,
With apologies for the delay, we’re delighted to announce that registration for the Language Rules event is now open – register before March 8th to secure the Early Bird rate: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/conference/fac-arts/clas/language-rules/index.aspx (where you can also see the provisional programme, also pasted in below).
It's a great programme and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
Best wishes
Language rules? Languages, standards and linguistic inequality: multilingualism and variation in education, law and citizenship
Language Rules brings together practitioners – teachers, examiners, dictionary-makers, speech therapists, legislators, translators, lobbyists, policy-makers, and others – with academics to examine how assumptions and beliefs about correct, acceptable or standard languages impact on everyday life in a multilingual world, including how to tackle potential inequalities.
Language rules? Languages, standards and linguistic inequality: multilingualism and variation in education, law and citizenship
University of Nottingham, April 15-17, 2019
As part of the AHRC-funded project Multilingualism – Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (www.meits.org ), Language Rules brings together practitioners – teachers, speech therapists, examiners, dictionary-makers, lobbyists, policy-makers, and others – with academics to examine how assumptions about correct, acceptable or standard languages impact on everyday life in a multilingual world, and how to tackle potential inequalities.
Provisional Programme
Monday, April 15th, 2019
Registration, tea/coffee and buffet lunch
Welcome (Prof. Nicola McLelland & Dr Annette Zhao, University of Nottingham)
(In)visible Languages and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Prof. Bettina Migge, Professor of Linguistics and Head of School in the UCD School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, University College Dublin), Jo Darley (Languages and International Dimension Education Manager at LEAD Academy Trust)
Round-table: Languages ,(in)visibility and inequality in schools, colleges and universities (Prof. Bettina Migge (University College Dublin), Dr Linda Fisher (Education, Cambridge), Dr Angela Gayton (Education, Cambridge), and others)
Tea and coffee break
Verbal violence, sociolinguistic inequalities, glottophobic discriminations – is sociolinguistics in court such a good idea? (Dr Marc Debono, University of Tours, France)
LEVERHULME PUBLIC LECTURE Language Standards and Linguistic Inequality in Europe (Prof. Doug Kibbee, Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor at the University of Nottingham, and Professor Emeritus, Centre for Global Studies, University of Illinois)
Reception and introducing We are Multilingual MEITS project (led by Dr. Linda Fisher)
Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
Round table: Learning from history – how understanding the multilingual past can inform the present (panel led by Dr Andreas Krogull (MEITS, Cambridge), with Dr Liv Walsh (French, Nottingham), Dr Anna Havinga (Bristol), Prof. Jeroen Darquennes (University of Namur, Belgium)
Round table: Speech therapy and language standards and variation (panel led by Dr. Jenny Gibson, Lecturer in Psychology and Education, Cambridge)
Tea and coffee break
Round table: Multilingualism, language standards, standard languages, and the law (panel led by Javier Moreno-Rivero (Cambridge), with Gearóidín McEvoy (School of Law and Government, Dublin City University), Manuela Guggeis (Lawyer-Linguist at the EU), and Colin Robertson (Council of the European Union))
The German Micro-census, the Language Question and European Language policies (Dr Astrid Adler, Institute for German Language, Mannheim)
Round table: Translating Research into Policy - Translating Policy Needs into Research (with representatives from the European Federation of National Institutes for Languages [EFNIL]): Johan Van Hoorde, Nederlandse Taalunie, EFNIL President; Prof. Dr. Ludwig Eichinger, former Director of the Institute for the German Language (IDS) in Mannheim; Dr. Júlia Vrábľová, L. Štúr Institute for Linguistics, Slovakia)
Language standards, plurilingual repertoires and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Brian North, Equals)
Tea and coffee break
Round table: Language teaching and testing, standards and variation, in major and minoritized languages (panel with Ryan Joyce (International Baccalaureate Organization), Brian North (Equals), Nick Saville (Association of Language Testers in Europe))
Conference Dinner, Orchard Hotel
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019
Criteria setting in language curricula
Round table: Language teaching and testing, standards and variation: the case of community languages in supplementary languages education (panel with Pascale Vassie, National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE), and others)
Tea and coffee break
Round table: Language variation in language learning classrooms (panel led by Sascha Stollhans, German, University of Lancaster, with Weiqun Wang (Assistant Professor in Chinese, University of Nottingham), and others
Dictionaries, dictionary-making, standard, variation and the real world (panel led by Dr Tomislav Stojanov (Institute for Croatian Language and linguistics), with Dr Maree Airlie, Deputy Head of Language Content, Harper Collins, and others)
Closing discussion
Prof. Nicola McLelland
Professor of German and History of Linguistics
Head of School
School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
University of Nottingham
Room B6a, Trent Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
+44 (0) 115 95 15822 | nicola.mclelland@nottingham.ac.uk .ac.uk
Follow us
Co-Investigator and Deputy Project-Leader, on the AHRC-funded MEITS project (2016-2020): www.meits.org
Latest books:
The History of Language Learning and Teaching , ed., with Richard Smith, (3. Vols. Legenda, for the MHRA, 2018)
Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages: A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain (Routledge, 2017)