International Conference of General Linguistics 2020 Seville

  • 05 Feb 2019 07:25
    Message # 7147223
    Deleted user

    We are honored to announce that the 14th International Conference of General Linguistics (CILG2020) will be held in Sevillefrom June 24thto 26th2020. We kindly request contributions in three different formats, namely Workshop sessions, General sessions, and Poster sessions. There will be 12 Workshop sessions and 6 General sessions running in parallel. The topics of the workshops will depend on concrete proposals by workshop convenors. The Poster sessions will have two fixed slots in the program. 

    In order to guarantee diversity, one person may be the first author (and thus, the presenter) of only one submission of any kind (workshop proposal, workshop paper, general session paper, or poster). Nonetheless, one can co-author any number of additional, although playing a background role.

    The first call for the conference is a call-for-workshops. Once the list of accepted workshops is available, there will be a second call, aimed for submitting paper proposals for specific workshops, the general session, or the poster sessions. 


    First call: call for workshops

    The procedure of submitting a workshop abstract consists of several steps.

    1. People interested in submitting a workshop proposal are encouraged to recruit potential participants (at least 6) and/or announce their proposals on the Linguist-List and elsewhere, in order to invite additional potential participants. 

    2. Workshop convenors will then submit their proposal for being evaluated by the scientific committee of the CILG2020 ( A workshop proposal must contain: 

    - a description of the topic and research questions (max. 1000 words, including examples, excluding references).

    - five keywords 

    - a (provisional) list of workshop participants (at least 6) and their abstracts (max. 500 words per abstract, including examples, excluding references).


    The format of the workshops will be organized around 30 minute slots (20 min. presentation, 5 min. discussion, 5 min. room change). Workshops will contain 8 slots. Each workshop will comprise: 

    1. an introductory paper by the convenors, which summarizes previous research, specifies the approach(es) to be taken and sets the scope of the papers to be presented. 

    2. (at least) six papers 

    3. a slot for a final discussion on the topics covered by the papers, methodological issues, and questions for future research.

    The deadline for submitting a workshop proposal is March 31st2019 at 23:59 GMT

    3. By April 30th2019 at the latest, convenors will be notified about the acceptance of their workshop. If a workshop proposal is accepted, workshop convenors will inform all workshop participants, and invite them to now submit their abstracts in Easychair before June 30th2019. When submitting an abstract in Easychair, workshop participants should indicate the workshop it belongs to. Consider that other people will be allowed to submit paper proposals to the accepted workshop as part of the general call-for-papers (second call). If one of these “external” submissions scores above one of the papers originally included in the workshop proposal, the latter will be derived to the one of the general sessions, whereas the former will be accepted as part of the workshop. Likewise, if there are available slots in one workshop, one paper submitted to one of the general sessions will be relocated to that workshop provided that its topic matches the topic of the workshop. 

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