The Department of Language and Linguistics at the University of Essex invites applications for PhD studentships for entry in October 2019. Our main areas of research supervision are: Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics with expertise in Phonology, Syntax and Semantics, Applied Linguistics, English language teaching (TEFL/TESOL), Computer Assisted Language Learning, First and Second language acquisition, Attrition, Language Disorders, Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics (including Linguistic Variation and Conversation Analysis).
The University of Essex is part of the South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS) and the Consortium for Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE).Funding typically covers fees, maintenance and professional development opportunities. The following studentships are available to home and EU students:
- CHASE AHRC PhD Studentships: note you need to have an offer of a place at Essex by 10 January 2019. For full application details, eligibility criteria, and how to apply, visit:
- SeNSS ESRC-Funded Studentships: note you need to have an offer of a place at Essex by20 January 2019. For full application details, eligibility criteria, and how to apply, visit:
You should have excellent qualifications to apply. It is important to identify and contact a potential supervisor to discuss your proposal as early as possible; please refer to our website to see staff expertise.
For any more general enquiries to the PhD programme of the Department of Language and Linguistics please contact the PhD admissions tutor, Dr. Rebecca Clift,