Dear all
As you may be aware, HEFCE (and indeed all four HE funding councils) have a consultation running on plans for the next REF:
The LAGB will make a response to this consultation, and the draft text of our submission is available to members to view via this link.
This text is based on discussions within the committee, and also with linguists in other learned societies and colleagues in other humanities/social science disciplines.
If you have any comments or suggestions to make regarding the draft text you can do so using this online form. This is a 'suggestions box' for LAGB members to provide comments or suggestions on the draft text of the LAGB response to the REF consultation. We can't promise to respond to each query, but may do so if we need clarification. We'll read all suggestions and take them into account before finalising the response text.
Please provide any suggestions and comments by end of Sunday 12th March.
Thanks, Sam Hellmuth (Hon Sec, LAGB)