Hourly paid lecturer in phonetics and phonology at Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge Campus

  • 09 Jan 2017 15:05
    Message # 4517855

    We are looking for an hourly paid lecturer to teach an introductory module in English Phonetics and Phonology at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge this coming semester (starting 31st January). The class takes place on Tuesdays at 9am-12noon and 3pm-6pm (the teaching from the morning is repeated in the afternoon with a different group of students). Starting on 31st January, the classes will meet 7 times before Easter, exact dates to be confirmed (there is currently some flexibility). The pay is £41.48 per hour taught, inclusive of preparation and marking.


    If you would be interested in teaching this course, either all or some of it, please contact melanie.bell@anglia.ac.uk for further details.

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