Queen Mary University of London
Application deadline: 01 Nov 2016
Start Date: 01 Jan 2017
The Linguistics department in the School of Languages, Linguistics, and Film at Queen Mary University of London seeks to appoint a full-time PhD student undertaking research in sociolinguistics to a Graduate Editorial Assistantship from 01 January 2017. The successful candidate will be awarded the Language in Society Studentship and will benefit from a maintenance award at the RCUK London rate (£16,296 in 2016/17) and a fee waiver at the home/EU rate (£4,121 in 2016-17).
The appointee would deliver administrative support to the Editor-in-chief of the Cambridge University Press journal Language in Society. Over the three years of the studentship, the appointee would carry out a range of administrative tasks associated with managing the journal, including assisting the editor with the different stages of production of issues of the journal, from submission of articles, book reviews and book notes, to preparing files for copy-editing and proof reading before publication. The tasks are expected to take up approximately 6 hours per week. The successful candidate must be able to work independently and to demonstrate excellent written English, including punctuation and organisation of arguments, a high level of accuracy in their work, and the ability to handle a complex, specialized website.
The assistantship will be awarded to an applicant undertaking research in any area of sociolinguistics in which the department can offer supervision, though preference will be given to proposals in the domain of articulatory sociophonetics and, specifically, that integrate questions relevant to ultrasound research. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in sociolinguistics/sociophonetics and in quantitative/experimental research methods. Candidates who have not already applied to do a PhD in Linguistics at Queen Mary will need to submit a full research proposal and a brief statement of purpose, together with the other documentation described here: Further information about research degrees in the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film can be found on the Prospective Students page of the School website:
Completed applications must be submitted online at by November 01, 2016. Interviews will be held shortly after that date. Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Dr Esther de Leeuw (, Director of the QMUL Phonetics Lab, and/or Dr Erez Levon (, Director of Postgraduate Studies for Linguistics, by 01 October to discuss their research ideas and for assistance in preparing a formal application. Please note that only UK/EU nationals are eligible for this award.