LDLT5: Second call for papers
*The deadline for submissions has been extended to 5th June 2016*
We are pleased to announce that Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 5 will be held at SOAS, University of London on 3rd & 4th December 2016.
LDLT5 aims to bring together researchers working on linguistic theory and language documentation and description, with a particular focus on innovative work on under-described or endangered languages.
Conference themes
The theme of LDLT5 is 'Language documentation and linguistic diversity'.
We invite contributions relating to any aspect of the study of language and linguistics from any perspective, including:
- formal theoretical issues
- linguistic typology
- documentary linguistics and responses to language endangerment
- new techniques and opportunities for documenting and describing languages
We especially welcome contributions that use empirical data to examine the relationship between language documentation and description and linguistic theory.
Pre-conference workshops - *new*
In addition to the main programme, there will be two pre-conference sessions on Friday 2 December:
- 'Information structure and discourse in the minority languages of the Russian Federation'
- 'Small-scale multilingualism and linguistic theory' (details)
Invited speakers
We are happy to announce that
Ian Maddieson and
Aditi Lahiri are the keynote speakers for this event.
Abstracts are invited for the conference session. Presentations will be 20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion. Each individual may present up to one single authored paper and one joint paper throughout the whole conference. The extended deadline for abstract submission is Sunday 5 June 2016.
The text of the abstract should be anonymous, a minimum of 11pt font and no more than one page in length, including references and examples. They should be in .pdf format and the filename should start with LDLT5, followed by an underscore and then first authors' surname, e.g. LDLT5_ashmore.pdf. If you have a common surname, please also include initials, e.g. LDLT5_jjones.pdf.
Abstracts should be submitted using the LDLT5 Easychair site.
Further information
Further information may be found at the conference webpage.
All enquiries should be directed to ldlt5@soas.ac.uk.