20th South of England LFG meeting: Saturday, 21 May 2016, Room 116, SOAS main building, Russell Square, London

  • 01 Apr 2016 04:26
    Message # 3922265

    The 20th South of England LFG meeting will take place on Saturday, 21 May 2016, in Room 116, SOAS, London (note that this is not the same room as usual). The list of presentations is below. More information can be found at the main SE-LFG site: sg.sg/se-lfg (or https://sites.google.com/site/selfgmeetings/home/). We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting!

    Tina Bögel, University of Konstanz: Parallelity, modularity, psychological reality: crucial notions at the interfaces

    Miriam Butt, University of Konstanz: Case: From Spatial Term to Participant Marker (and more...)

    John Lowe, Oxford: Mixed categories and participles

    Siavash Rafiee Rad and John Payne, Manchester: Complex predicate constructions in the history of Persian

    Andy Spencer and Geri Popova, Essex and Goldsmiths, title to be confirmed

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