This is to announce the program for the UCL workshop on syntax with a focus on Slavic featuring Lída Veselovská (Olomouc) and Željko Bošković (Connecticut) as out-of-town guest speakers.
Venue, date and time: UCL Linguistics, Chandler House, 2 Wakefield Street,
London, WC1N 1PF
Monday, Dec 14, 2015 1:15pm - 5:30pm
followed by drinks and dinner
Participation is free of charge and all are welcome, but please sign up using the doodle poll below if you intend to attend so that we can arrange catering for the coffee break and reserve the right number of seats for dinner. The doodle poll is here:
CH G10 1:15-2:15 Lída Veselovská: Analytic agreement: Pronominal predicate agreement in Czech
CH G10 2:15-2:45 Jiři Kašpar: Contrastive left dislocation needs a speech act
Coffee break
CH B02 3:30-4:00 Klaus Abels: On the locality of multiple sluicing and multiple wh-fronting
CH B02: 4:00-4:30 Jana Willer-Gold: Anaphoricity of Gender Agreement in Croatian
CH B02: 4:30-5:30 Željko Bošković: On the locality of movement
Afterwards drinks in a local pub and dinner (venues tbc)
Best regards
Klaus Abels