HEADLEX16: Warsaw Joint Conference on LFG & HPSG, First CFP

  • 24 Nov 2015 09:35
    Message # 3657812
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                                 Call for Papers

        HEADLEX16: Warsaw Joint Conference on LFG & HPSG

                  25 July - 29 July 2016
         Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

    Conference website: http://headlex16.ipipan.waw.pl

    Conference e-mail (NOT for abstract submission):

    Abstract submission deadline:  15 February 2015, 23:59 GMT 

    Abstracts should be submitted using the online submission system at

    HEADLEX16 welcomes work within the formal architectures of Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), as well as typological, formal, and computational work within the spirit of these theories. 

    The conference aims to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers interested in HPSG and LFG. There will be no separate sessions for the different frameworks, but sessions will be organized thematically. We especially encourage papers that are accessible and relevant to members of both communities. 

    The programme will include two special thematic workshops: one on ``Grammatical Functions and their Representation'' at the beginning of the conference, the other on ``Development and Computational Processing of Linguistically Motivated Grammars'' at the end of the conference. If you intend to submit to one of the workshops, please indicate this on the submission form. Further details about these workshops will be published in due course.


    The main conference sessions will involve 45-minute talks (30 min + 15 min discussion), and poster presentations. Contributions can focus on results from completed as well as ongoing research, with an emphasis on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives, whether descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. Presentations should describe original, unpublished work. 


    Deadline for abstracts:  15 February 2016, 23:59 GMT 
    Notification of acceptance:  30 March 2016
    Conference:  25 July -29 July 2016


    The language of the conference is English, and all abstracts must be written in English.  

    All abstracts should be submitted using the online submission system. Submissions should be in the form of abstracts only. Abstracts can be up to three A4 pages, plus up to two pages for references and figures, in 10pt or larger type and should include a title. Omit name and affiliation (including PDF document properties), and avoid obvious

    Please submit your abstract in .pdf format (or a plain text file). If you have any trouble converting your file into .pdf please contact the Program Committee at the address below. (On the Easychair submission system, if you upload your abstract as a .pdf file, please simply type 'abstract attached' in the abstract box.) 

    The number of submissions is not restricted. However, in the interests of high participation and broad representation, each author should be involved in a maximum of two oral papers and can only be a single author of one. There are no restrictions on poster presentations. Authors may want to keep this in mind when stating their preference concerning the mode of presentation of their submissions. 

    All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least three referees, representing both frameworks. Papers accepted to the conference can be submitted to the refereed proceedings, which will be published online by CSLI Publications. 

    See http://web.stanford.edu/group/cslipublications/cslipublications/HPSG/ and
    http://web.stanford.edu/group/cslipublications/cslipublications/LFG/ for recent proceedings of HPSG and LFG conferences.  


    The conference will be preceded by an excursion on 24 July.  Details will be announced nearer the time.


    If you have queries about abstract submission or have problems using the EasyChair submission system, please contact the Program Committee. 

    Program Chairs (Email: headlex16-chairs@nlp.ipipan.waw.pl)

    Doug Arnold, University of Essex
    Berthold Crysmann, CNRS, Paris
    John Lowe, University of Oxford
    Ida Toivonen, Carleton University

    Local conference organizers (Email: headlex16-local@nlp.ipipan.waw.pl)

    Agnieszka Patejuk, Polish Academy of Sciences
    Adam Przepiorkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences 


    Further information about LFG as a syntactic theory is available at the following site:

    For information about HPSG, see, for example: http://hpsg.stanford.edu/,
    http://www.ling.ohio-state.edu/research/hpsg/ or http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/hpsg/ and on the HPSG conferences at http://www.essex.ac.uk/linguistics/external/HPSG/.

    HEADLEX16 subsumes two annual conferences:

    The International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar
    The International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference

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