The LAGB is invited to nominate up to three people to serve on the Peer Review College for the new call for ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs), as well as two new Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) which will specialise in biosocial research, and new forms of data:
DTP/CDT proposals will be subject to a two stage peer review process, with proposals first assessed by a specially constituted peer review college. Nomination by LAGB does not guarantee membership/acceptance to the college: the ESRC anticipates the total number of college members will be around 60-70 and with an appropriate balance of expertise, gender and regional coverage.
Potential college members will need to demonstrate a broad social science view and have a background in the provision of high quality postgraduate research training and/or demonstrable knowledge and expertise in, biosocial research or new forms of data. Peer reviewers will need to be available to assess proposals between the middle of March and the end of April 2016. The ESRC will be running a workshop for referees on the 26 January 2016 at the Thistle Hotel in Birmingham. All peer reviewers will be expected to attend.
If you wish to be considered for nomination by the LAGB, please send an email to with a brief statement of your area(s) of expertise and your experience of postgraduate training by Friday 30th October.
If more than three people put their name forward the LAGB Executive Committee will select three names to nominate so as to represent the discipline as a whole. If selected we will ask you to provide further information to forward to the ESRC.