The international symposium Urbanisation in the British Isles: a historical and interdisciplinary perspective, which will be held at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) from 22-23 April 2016, aims to bring together scholars working on any aspect of urbanisation and migration in the British Isles. This two-day symposium offers a forum for researchers working in the fields of geosciences, historical archaeology, (historical) sociolinguistics and social (and economic, legal) history who seek to explore the processes and forms of industrialisation and migration, as well as their effects on urbanisation and language variation and change. Both synchronic and diachronic approaches are welcome.
The symposium is motivated by the increasing awareness of the importance of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of urbanisation and migration. It is thus hoped that the symposium will provide a platform for researchers from different disciplines to work at the interfaces of those disciplines in order to address complex questions and problems related to urbanisation in the British Isles. More specifically, the symposium invites discussion on issues concerned with archaeological, economic, legal, linguistic, political, social, spatial and infrastructural implications of industrialisation and urbanisation.
Confirmed plenary speakers for this symposium are:
- Paul Belford (Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust)
- David Fitzpatrick (Trinity College Dublin)
- Michael Pacione (University of Strathclyde)
- Laura Wright (University of Cambridge)
We invite submission of abstracts for papers on any topic relevant to the conference theme.
The abstracts for papers (20 mins presentation + 10 mins discussion) should not exceed 400 words (exclusive of references). All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the scientific committee.
Abstracts can be submitted from 1 September to 30 November 2015 through the abstract submission facility EasyAbs.
Notification of acceptance of abstracts will be sent out by 5 January 2015.
If you have any queries, please contact Anita Auer and Marije van Hattum by e-mail at: