Linguistics in the UK: Looking forward to 2020 and beyond
University Council of General and Applied Linguistics (UCGAL)
14:00-16:00 pm, Monday 29th June 2015
Committee Room 1, Level 4, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL
UCL Institute of Education, University College London
1. Kersti Borjars (Chair of REF2014 Modern Languages and Linguistics Sub-panel; Manchester)): Overview of the REF2014
2. Peter Patrick (Essex): Research Impact case study
3. Amy Thompson (REF2014 impact assessor): Research impact: a user’s view
4. Roumyana Slabakova (ESRC GAP member; Southampton): Linguistics research in the UK: research councils’ perspective
5. Contributions from REF panel members, research council panel members, and representatives of professional bodies on:
i) the strengths and emerging themes in Linguistics research in the UK;
ii) connections with other disciplines;
iii) impact; and
iv) strategic priorities.
6. Open discussions.
There is no need to sign up in advance to attend this event.