Dear All,
The ESRC is looking for new members for its peer review college (more information below). It would be great to have more good linguistic reviewers on the panel. If you're interested, please let me know ASAP (via email, I will also need a short CV. The deadline for our response is 15 May, so I need to hear from you by the 11th at the latest.
With kind regards,
The Peer Review College currently has around 2,000 members. The College is critical to us. Good quality peer review is fundamental to the ESRC being able to make robust and transparent funding decisions and to supporting the very best social science. The funding system simply cannot work without peer review.
The Role of a College Member
College members are expected to provide up to 8 referee reports per year in their area of expertise. If a higher workload is anticipated through a particular call, you may be approached to review extra proposals within a shorter timeframe. Your reviews will inform the discussions of the peer review panels responsible for making final decisions on proposals.
We will provide training in peer review for those who request it. We will provide an annual statement to each College member on their peer review record and will inform HEIs where individuals have consistently supported the ESRC peer review system.
Period of Appointment
Members will be expected to serve on the College for an initial period of four years. New members are being appointed to the College from 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2019
The Structure of the College
From October 2015 we intend to restructure the College dividing membership into three types: a small number of Fellows who have completed at least 10 referee reports and have a response rate of 75% or more. Senior College members who have completed at least 7 reports and have a response rate of over 60% and the broader College membership most of whom have yet to complete enough reviews to qualify as either a Fellow or Senior member. We intend to post membership details on our website once the process of refreshment is complete.
New appointees will initially join the College as part of the broader membership.
Briefing materials
There are further details about our College available at :