Dear All,
As it turns out, quite a few LAGB officers are standing down this September (Olly Bond, Yuni Kim, Heike Pichler, Christian Uffmann and myself). This is a bit of an unfortunate coincidence, but we have managed to find some excellent individuals who are happy to be nominated for the various vacant posts. They are:
President: David Adger (QMUL)
Treasurer: Chris Cummins (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Meeting Secretary: Michelle Sheehan (Cambridge/Anglia Ruskin)
Membership Secretary: Laura Bailey (Kent)
Assistant Secretary: James White (UCL)
The LAGB is a democratic organization, so if you are interested in any of these posts we would like to encourage you to nominate yourself or nudge candidates that you think are suitable. The new officers will need to be confirmed at the next AGM. If there are multiple nominations for any post, we'll try to organise an online vote before the meeting, so that we can maximise the number of members that can have a say.
With kind regards,
Ad Neeleman