Dear All, I'm sending you now a message from a colleague on the UKLO committee, Sarah Campbell.
Dick Hudson
I am emailing to let you know of a new development here at the United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO).
We have created a new collection of UKLO style problems aimed at pupils in Years 5 - 8, which are designed to spark pupils' interest in linguistics and to provide teachers with a bank of easily accessible, 'ready to use' linguistics activities for use in class or for extra-curricular activities. The problems aren't entered into any UKLO competition, but we hope that pupils who complete them will be inspired to take part in the competitions too.
The collection is entitled Breakthrough Workout, and the problems all come with markschemes, commentaries and suggested prompt questions for teachers. We hope that they will be enjoyed by pupils not only in MFL (Modern Foreign Languages), English or Classics but also more broadly - for example in science lessons, or for enrichment activities.
They can be downloaded from the UKLO website
It is our hope and plan that the Breakthrough Workout collection will grow steadily from now on, and we are now looking for interested people to help us 'crowdsource' more problems. Anyone who is interested in creating a Breakthrough Workout problem for us (or more than one!) can find all the details of how to do so (including an information sheet and problem template) on the website, and will receive support and guidance from the UKLO Breakthrough Workout team if they need it.
We at UKLO would be very grateful if you would consider helping us with this project.
Please feel free to share this email and details of the Breakthrough Workout project with anyone you feel may be interested in it. Do get in touch if you have any questions or comments!
Best wishes,
Sarah Campbell