Call for Papers
Linguistics Research Student Conference @ SOAS 15th May 2015
** Abstract deadline extended to 31st March 2015 **
The Department of Linguistics at SOAS is pleased to announce its second Linguistics Research Student Conference, which will take place on 15th May 2015. The conference is organised by postgraduate research students in the Department of Linguistics. We warmly welcome research students from all faculties and centres across University of London and other local universities to participate.
The aim of LRSC@SOAS is to provide a venue for research students who are interested in languages and linguistics to present their research, and facilitate collaboration and communication among peers in related areas.
We invite contributions from any field of linguistics, including but not limited to:
• theoretical linguistics
• historical linguistics
• anthropological linguistics
• sociolinguistics
• language pedagogy
• language acquisition
• translation theory and practice
• corpus linguistics
• language documentation
• computational linguistics.
Key dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31st March 2015
Notification of acceptance: 17th April 2015
Conference day: 15th May 2015
Each presentation will be 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute discussion. English will be the language of the conference.
Abstracts should be submitted as PDF documents. They should be formatted using 1" margins and 12pt font, and should not exceed one page, including title, data, and examples. References may be attached on a second page. Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of two abstracts, but one of the two must be co-authored.
As all submissions will be reviewed anonymously, all author-specific information should be avoided and/or removed from the abstract, but included in the body of the email.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically to:
Registration and Fees:
There is no fee. To register, please email:
Contact Email: