Lists of UK institutions with linguistics: input needed

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  • 27 Jun 2014 16:36
    Message # 3033177

    Dear all,

    In response to feedback, I've split the old LAGB "department list" into two.

    The first list, Where can I study linguistics?, is a list of institutions with linguistics undergraduate programmes (not including SLT or English Language).

    The second list, List of institutions with researchers in linguistics, is intended to be much more inclusive, and to contain any UK institution with LAGB members (and perhaps more). The first list is a subset of this one.

    If your institution isn't on one of the lists, and should be, let me know. In future I also aim to create a list of Masters programmes.

     - George

  • 28 Jun 2014 16:06
    Reply # 3034109 on 3033177
    Deleted user

    I am writing to let you know that my institution has a degree programme with Linguistics entitled 'English Language and Linguistics' which is affiliated to the School of Humanities at the University of Gloucetershire


    Dr Michelle Straw
    Senior Lecturer

    University of Gloucestershire

  • 28 Jun 2014 16:17
    Reply # 3034111 on 3033177
    Deleted user

    Please also note that we have researchers in linguistics at the university of Gloucestershire in the School of Humanities


    Dr Michelle Straw

    University of Gloucestershire

  • 28 Jun 2014 17:02
    Reply # 3034125 on 3033177

    Added - thanks!
  • 30 Jun 2014 10:27
    Reply # 3034852 on 3033177
    Deleted user

    Hi George,

    Could you add to your list of institutions with researchers in Linguistics also mine, which does not coincide with UCL department of linguistics. Here it is, followed by the link.

    UCL, School of European Languages, Society, and Culture (SELCS)



  • 01 Jul 2014 10:02
    Reply # 3035688 on 3033177
    Deleted user

    Dear George, Another one to add to your list of departments in which there are researchers in linguistics is the Department of the Languages and Cultures of Africa at SOAS, University of London.

    Thanks, Martin

  • 01 Jul 2014 23:45
    Reply # 3036084 on 3033177

    Could you add the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading?



  • 02 Jul 2014 09:11
    Reply # 3036333 on 3033177
    Deleted user

    George, Here's the Languages and Cultures of Africa, SOAS url:

    thanks, Martin

  • 04 Jul 2014 22:05
    Reply # 3038081 on 3033177

    we need to go to the longer list.

    Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. "Speech and Hearing Sciences" is the division which offers programmes in Speech and Language Therapy, but since you say the list is for institutions where research is carried out, probably "Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language Research Centre" is better - it's the associated research group. The URL is  

  • 04 Jul 2014 22:13
    Reply # 3038082 on 3033177

    in the other list with linguistics degrees, it's useful that you put at the bottom "his list doesn't include departments with programmes in English Language or Speech & Language Therapy – " but perhaps you could add a URL for a maintained list at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists which lists 18 institutions where SLT is offered for undergraduate, of which some also offer pre-registration postgraduate study, which a fair number of linguistics graduates go into. Or maybe we don't want to list the "competition" :-)

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