registration open for Cambridge Comparative Syntax (CamCoS) 3, 8-10 May 2014

  • 04 Apr 2014 13:33
    Message # 1531248
    Deleted user

    After the success of the two previous Cambridge Comparative Syntax conferences, we are happy to announce that the registration for CamCoS 3 is now open. Early bird booking is possible until 24 April, after that the registration fees will increase.

    CamCoS 3 is going to take place on 8–10 May 2014. The first half day will feature talks by Cambridge-based researchers, followed by a full-day general session on comparative generative syntax. The final day of the conference will feature a themed session with invited speakers on the topic of variation in the morphophonological, morphosyntactic and morphosemantic domains.

    In relation to the themed session, the central question we would like to address is to what extent it is possible to provide a formal account of cross-linguistic variation in the domain of morphology. More specifically, to the extent that there is a deeper basis to the classic morphological types proposed by 19th and early 20th century philologists and anthropologist-linguists (principally, the Schlegels, Humboldt, Schleicher and Sapir), can they be captured in a principled and explanatory manner? In other words, is it possible to think of morphology in parametric terms?

    The invited speakers for CamCoS 3 are:

    • Iris Berent (Northeastern University)

    • Phil Branigan (Memorial University)

    • Dunstan Brown (University of York)

    • Nigel Duffield (Konan University)

    • Martina Wiltschko (University of British Columbia)

    • Daniel Harbour (Queen Mary, University of London)

    Registration is possible on the booking page. The programme as well as further information is available on the conference website.
    Last modified: 04 Apr 2014 13:38 | Deleted user
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