The LAGB is a member of the University Council for Modern Languages, which is now seeking nominations for the following post:
· UCML Chair
A job description follows below. Further details of the post, including the nomination form, are available on the UCML website at: http://www.ucml.ac.uk/news/190
Please forward this message to colleagues who may be interested.
Deadline for nominations is 4 October 2013.
Please send the nomination form to lagb.office@gmail.com by Tuesday 1 October if you would like your nomination to be endorsed by the LAGB.
Job description:
To take the lead in pursuing UCML’s role as overarching national organisation representing the interests of modern languages, linguistics, and cultural and area studies in Higher Education throughout the United Kingdom
To consult with the Council’s membership across these disciplines in order to represent the views of scholars and professionals in modern languages to the Government, the funding councils, the media and relevant national bodies.
To lobby relevant bodies on behalf of the Council’s membership and its member institutions and associations.
To coordinate the work of the Vice Chairs for Engagement and External Communication, Research, and Language and Intercultural Education
To oversee the effective working of the Executive Committee
To ensure effective representation of all UCML’s constituencies across the UK, liaising particularly with UCML’s local organisation and representatives in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
To promote the benefits of UCML membership in order to recruit new members and increase the impact of UCML’s voice and the influence of its activities.
To act at all times in the interests of UCML and its membership by working effectively through the Steering Group, the Executive Committee and plenary meetings of the General Council.
To provide effective chairing of the meetings of the Steering Group, the Executive Committee and the General Council, liaising with the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, and the Council’s administrative support, to ensure appropriate consultation with the membership, balanced discussion of business, timely action in response to the Council’s decisions, and communication to the membership.
To liaise with the European Language Council and relevant bodies in other countries.
Annual commitments over recent years
Approx 50 days per annum, including chairing meetings of the Steering Group, Executive Committee and General Council.
Liaison with the Higher Education Academy Languages Lead and LLAS Subject Centre..
Representation of UCML at quarterly meetings with HEFCE Associate Director and Policy Adviser for Languages
Representation of UCML at occasional meetings with other bodies, including Government departments (BIS and DfE), British Academy, British Council, national Embassies and Cultural Representation, subject associations, individual member schools/departments, All Party Parliamentary Group for Languages, Language Rich Europe, European Commission.
Liaison with Vice Chairs to ensure UCML representation at meetings with AHRC, ESRC, A-HUG, Routes into Languages, Speak to the Future.
Liaison with Vice Chairs and Executive Committee to respond on behalf of UCML to national consultations
Liaison with individual member schools/departments, providing confidential advice and support where requested.
Speaking at public events.
Representative of UCML on the Advisory Board of IGRS, the Institute of Germanic and Romance studies.
Participation in national conferences and, by invitation, the meetings of member organisations and associations.
Keeping abreast of trends, policies, events and publications related to languages in higher, secondary and primary education and ensuring that members are kept informed both of the evolving context and of UCML actions.