2-year fixed term Lecturership in English Language and Linguistics at Northumbria University

  • 14 Mar 2025 13:28
    Message # 13474738

    Dear LAGB members,

    Hope you are well. Below please see an ad for a 2-year fixed-term position at Northumbria University. For full details, please visit: https://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DMH232/lecturer-in-english-language-and-linguistics-3181 or https://work4.northumbria.ac.uk/#en/sites/CX_1001/job/3181 

    For informal enquiries about this post please contact Professor Billy Clark, Head of English Language and Linguistics: billy.clark@northumbria.ac.uk

    Thanks for your kind attention! 

    Best wishes,

    Northumbria University, UK 


    Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics (3181)

    About the role

    Northumbria University is seeking to appoint an outstanding lecturer to join the English Language and Linguistics team in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. This appointment is for two years at grade 6 (Lecturer). We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in at least two areas of theoretical or applied linguistics, in which we include English Language Teaching/Teaching English to Speaker of Other Languages. The successful candidate will also be supported to develop their existing research profile.

    Further information about the requirements of the role is available in the role specification

    Colleagues appointed into our Lecturer grade are usually early career academics who are supported through their probationary period to develop their Academic profile. Upon completion of probation objectives these colleagues are automatically moved into the Assistant Professor role. The selection panel will assess your application and discuss with you which role you are being considered for at selection and appointment stages.

    The role is fixed term appointment for 24 months

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