Survey for students on experiences learning syntax - please share!

  • 14 Jan 2025 13:55
    Message # 13449984

    We are conducting a research project on syntax teaching. As part of this, we have previously surveyed programs and instructors about their attitudes and opinions. Now, we are interested in the responses of undergraduate syntax students. We would like to ask your students to complete two short surveys, one now and one later in the term, reflecting on their expectations, experiences, and goals in taking this course. 

    We will ask them some information that identifies them (their email address) so that we can send them the follow-up survey and link their response to their instructor’s participant ID, but we will not use that information to identify or evaluate you personally. The email addresses will be deleted as soon as they complete the second survey. You (or your students) will not be identifiable in any dissemination of the work (anticipated to be conference papers and publications). 

    If you are happy for your students to take this survey, please click the link below, complete the survey, and then share the text at the end of the survey. Do NOT share the link below with them; the text will include your personal link. 

    This should be a class where the focus is just on syntax (i.e., not an intro linguistics class that includes some syntax), at an undergraduate level, with more than five students enrolled on it. 


    If you have any questions, you can contact any of the researchers listed below. 

    Thank you for your time! 

    The researchers conducting this study are:

    Kirby Conrod, Swarthmore College,

    Bronwyn Bjorkman, Queens University at Kingston, ​

    Laura Bailey, University of Kent, ​

    Caitl Light, Loyola University Chicago,

    Last modified: 14 Jan 2025 13:59 | Anonymous member
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