Membership of ESRC Peer Review College for Doctoral Training Partnerships - interested?

  • 21 Nov 2022 19:01
    Message # 12997456

    Are you interested in being part of the Peer Review College evaluating proposals for ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs)?

    The LAGB can nominate up to 3 people to be members of this ESRC Peer Review College. If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible (and no later than 14th December).

    All the information received from the ESRC is copied below.  The ESRC has indicated that they would be looking to allocate proposals around the middle of March, and that reviewers are normally asked to complete thir reviews within 3 weeks. Their current estimate is that each reviewer would be asked to review a maximum of 3 applications.

    Caroline Heycock
    President, LAGB


    In June 2022 we announced the funding opportunity for Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) to provide training for students across the full disciplinary range of the social sciences as well as areas of interdisciplinary research at the boundaries with other sciences from October 2024 onwards.  Full details of this funding opportunity can found here:ESRC Doctoral Training Partnerships: 2024 – UKRI

    The call was informed by the independent Review of the PhD in Social Sciences, and our response to it,  which can be found at the following website: ESRC review of the PhD in the social sciences – UKRI

    An updated version of our Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines (2022) was developed as part of this call to ensure our investments continue to deliver excellence in postgraduate training and development by building on the considerable strengths that exist across the social science community. More information on the guidelines can be found here: ESRC postgraduate training and development guidelines – UKRI

    Proposals submitted to this call will be subject to a two-stage peer review process.   Proposals will first be assessed by a specially constituted peer review college and subsequently by a Commissioning Panel comprising academic experts and other experts with interests and expertise in doctoral training.

    I am writing to invite your organisation (Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB)) to nominate up to three people as potential members for the college (please note that nomination does not guarantee membership).  We anticipate that the total number of college members will be around 70-80 members and we will seek to ensure that the membership has an appropriate balance of expertise, gender and regional coverage. 

    Potential college members would need to demonstrate a broad social science view and have a background in the provision of high-quality doctoral training.  Peer reviewers will need to be available to assess proposals between the middle of March and the start of May 2023.

    Organisations are asked to submit a completed proforma (attached) and a two page CV for each nominee by the 16 December 2022.

    The ESRC will be running a virtual workshop for peer reviewers on the 31 January 2023 and all college members will be expected to attend. 

    Many thanks



    Emma Payn 

    Senior Policy Manager, Skills and Methods

    Economic and Social Research Council

    Mobile: 07729 000192

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