Future of AHRC doctoral provision - Input requested

  • 09 Feb 2022 09:51
    Message # 12586102

    Dear LAGB members,

    Next week, there will be an AHRC Roundtable on Future Doctoral Provision. Linguistics will be represented by Lesley Jeffries (Huddersfield) on behalf of UCGAL (www.linguistics.ac.uk), and your input is welcomed.

    Please see below for the points that will be discussed. You can post your comments here on this thread, or email them directly to either me (y.kim@essex.ac.uk) or Lesley Jeffries by the end of the day next Wednesday (16 February). I am sure there is a range of opinions and insights on these topics, so we look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!

    Objectives: The roundtables are designed to gather the views and opinions of participants in relation to doctoral provision in the arts and humanities both now and in ten years hence. This will inform the AHRC’s future prioritisation of funding so it can provide the best possible support for doctoral study that:

    ·       Facilitates development of doctoral graduate careers

    ·       Adapts to the changing needs of diverse stakeholders in A&H research and training

    ·       Develops the skills that doctoral graduates and potential employers will need

    ·       Responds to changes in the learning and employment contexts.

    All contributions to the round tables will be anonymised. The discussions will be recorded for internal use by the project team only.

    Current doctoral education in the arts and humanities

    From the different perspectives that participants bring to this session, you will be asked your views on the main purpose of doctoral education in the arts and humanities and AHRC’s role in leading doctoral education.

    Within this context, the round table will explore how well A&H doctoral provision delivering currently against those aims. You will be asked to identify the strengths and weaknesses of AHRC-funded doctoral provision in relation to your aspirations for doctoral education.

    The future of A&H doctoral education

    The round table will then explore how participants think the context for A&H doctoral education will change ten or more years from now.  You will be asked to consider how the external environment will have changed, what external factors will be influencing A&H doctoral education, for example, supply and demand for A&H doctoral graduates, skill requirements within and beyond academia, changes in research practice and direction.

    Within this context, you will be asked to identify the most effective way AHRC can lead doctoral education in the future.

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