LAGB 2014 - Workshop on Learning Biases in Natural and Artificial Languages

22 Mar 2014 16:08 | Deleted user

This workshop, organised by Adam Albright (MIT) and Andrew Nevins (UCL), will be held in conjunction with Adam Albright's Linguistics Association Lecture at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain

The full programe for the workshop and a call for posters for a Workshop Poster Session is available from the workshop website: 

The Workshop will be held at The Queen's College, University of Oxford on Friday 5 September, as part of LAGB 2014, which runs from Monday 1 September to Friday 5 September 2014. 

The deadline for abstracts for papers, themed sessions and workshop poster is Friday 11 April 2014.

Details on how to submit an abstract are available from the conference website:

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