LAGB Spring Meeting 1999: University of Manchester Second Circular The 1999 Spring Meeting will be held from 8 to 10 April at Manchester University, where the Association will be the guests of the Department of Linguistics. The Local Organiser is Philippa Cook ( Enquiries about the meeting should be addressed to: Phillipa Cook, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL. Accommodation: Accommodation as well as all talks, book displays etc. will be in Hulme Hall, a Hall of Residence, less than ten minutes walk from the main University campus. All bedrooms are single, and there is a choice between rooms with en suite facilities and rooms with shared bathrooms/showers. Registration: will begin at 12 noon on Thursday the 8th of April in the Foyer at Hulme Hall. Bar: a bar will be available every day during the conference. Food: please indicate vegetarian and any other dietary requirements on the booking form below. Childcare: If you require childcare during the conference, please contact the Local Organiser for further details. Travel: The University of Manchester is about five minutes drive from junction 9 of the ring road M60 which is accessible from the M6 (north or south) and the M62 (north east). There are frequent (and often direct) trains to Manchester Piccadilly (or Manchester Victoria) from most big cities in Britain. The train journey from London takes about two and a half hour. The airport is less than half an hour's drive from the Hall of residence and it also has excellent train connections with the city centre. Parking: free parking will be available for all delegates. Events: The Linguistics Association 1999 Lecture on Thursday evening will be delivered by Professor John McCarthy of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and is entitled: Rules, Constraints, and Derivations. Professor McCarthy, together with Wiebke Brockhaus (University of Manchester), will also be organizing a workshop on Optimality Theory: Insights on Prosody and Morphology. The workshop is intended to acquaint interested non-specialists with some of the main ideas and results of this framework in the areas of stress, tone, and the phonology/morphologyinterface. In addition to Professor McCarthy, participants include Caroline Fery (Tuebingen) on Truncation, Rene Kager (Utrecht) on Stress, Nick Sherrard (Essex) on Reduplication, and Moira Yip (Irvine, California, and UCL) on Tone. There will be a Language Tutorial on Turkish, given by Jaklin Kornfilt (University of Syracuse). On Friday there will be a special session entitled "Language at school: A place for linguists?", with talks by Alastair West (Qualification and Curriculum Authority) and Chris Brumfit (Univ of Southampton). The new ESRC officer with responsibility for linguistics, Chris Godwin, will be present for consultation. There will be a Sherry Reception before dinner on Tuesday, courtesy of the University of Manchester, and a Wine Party on the Tuesday evening, sponsored by the Department of Linguistics. On Friday evening, there will be a Wine reception hosted by Cambridge University Press. Bookings: should be sent to the Local Organiser, address above. There is a 10% discount on bookings received by Friday 19th March. Cheques should be made payable to "University of Manchester". Guests: members may invite any number of guests to meetings of the association, upon payment of a guest invitation fee of 5 pounds in addition to the standard fees. Members wishing to invite guests should photocopy the enclosed booking form. Abstracts: are available to members who are unable to attend the meeting. Please order using the booking form below. Annual General Meeting: This is to be held on the afternoon of Friday 9th April. Items for the agenda should be sent to the Honorary Secretary. Nominations for speakers: Nominations are requested for future guest speakers; all suggestions should be sent to the Honorary Secretary. Changes of address: Members are reminded to notify the Membership Secretary (address below) of changes of address. An institutional address is preferred; bulk mailing saves postage. Committee members: President Professor Richard Hudson, Department of Phonetics and Linguistics, University College London, Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT. E-mail: Honorary Secretary Professor Anna Siewierska, Department of Linguistics, University of Lancaster, Bailrigg, LANCASTER LA1 4YW, E-mail: Membership Secretary Dr. Kersti B=F6rjars, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester, MANCHESTER M13 9PL. E-mail: Meetings Secretary Dr. Marjolein Groefsema, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Hertfordshire, Watford Campus, ALDENHAM, Herts. WD2 8AT. E-mail: Treasurer Dr. Paul Rowlett, School of Languages, University of Salford, SALFORD M5 4WT. E-mail: Assistant Secretary Dr. April McMahon, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, CAMBRIDGE CB3 9DQ. E-mail: Internet home page: The LAGB internet home page is now active at the following address: Electronic network: Please join the LAGB electronic network which is used for disseminating LAGB information and for consulting members quickly. It can be subscribed to by sending the message "add lagb" to: Future Meetings: 7-9 September 1999 University of York. 6-8 April 2000 University College London. 14-16 September 2000 University of Durham. Spring 2001 (provisional) University of Leeds. Autumn 2001(provisional) University of Reading. Spring 2002 (provisional) University of Leicester. The Meetings Secretary would very much like to receive offers of future venues, particularly from institutions which the LAGB has not previously visited or from places with newly established linguistics programmes. Members of the LAGB organising conferences on linguistics in the UK are invited to apply for grants of up to 300 pounds; conference publicity will in return have to state that the event is sponsored by the LAGB, and membership application forms should be enclosed in conference packs. Applications should be made to the President, ideally by e-mail to allow a quick response PROGRAMME Thursday 8 April 1999 1.00 LUNCH 2.00 Workshop on Optimality Theory: Insights on Prosody and Morphology Organisers: Wiebke Brockhaus (Manchester University) and John McCarthy (Massachusetts Amhurst). With Caroline Fery (Tuebingen), Rene Kager (Utrecht), Nick Sherrard (Essex), Moira Yip (Irvine, California, and UCL), and John McCarthy (Massachusetts Amhurst). 4.00 TEA 4.30 Workshop continues 6.00 Sherry Reception 6.45 DINNER 8.00 Linguistics Association 1999 Lecture Professor John McCarthy (University of Massachusetts Amherst) "Rules, Constraints, and Derivations" Friday 9 April 1999 Session A 9.00 John Payne (Manchester) "The double object construction in Categorial Grammar" 9.40 Toshiko Yamaguchi and Magnus Petursson (Essex and Hamburg) "Icelandic auxiliaries hafa and vera: A semantic account" 10.20 Vidal Valmala (Basque Country & LEHIA) "Pro in VP" Session B 9.00 Thea Cameron and Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy (Canterbury, NZ.) "Stem alternation and 'blur avoidance' in Polish nouns" 9.40 Andrew Spencer & Louisa Sadler (Essex) "Syntax as an exponent of morphological features" 10.20 Andrew Hippisley, Greville Corbett, Dunstan Brown & Paul Marriott (Surrey) "Frequency, regularity and the paradigm" Session C 9.00 Montserrat Pericot (West of England) "Bilingual first language acquisition and the Minimalist Program: the case of adjective-noun/ noun-adjective sequences" 9.40 Manuela Schonenberger (Stuttgart) "Verb-placement errors in the acquisition of Swiss German" 10.20 Yaron Matras (Manchester) "Fusion and the cognitive trigger for bilingual discourse markers" 11.00 COFFEE 11.30 Language Tutorial: Turkish Jaklin Kornfilt (Syracuse) 1.00 LUNCH Session A Language at school: A place for linguists? 2.00 Alastair West (Qualification and Curriculum Authority) "The Curriculum" 2.40 Chris Brumfit (Univ of Southampton) "Teacher preparation" 3.20 Discussion Session B 2.00 Claudia Felser (Essex) "Aspectual complements and the (un-)availability of verb raising in German and Dutch" 2.40 Odile Cyrille (Salford) "A syntactic account of Guadeloupe Creole yes/no interrogatives" 3.20 Nigel Duffield (McGill) "Vietnamese clause structure" 4.00 TEA 4.30 LAGB Annual General Meeting 5.30 Language Tutorial continues 6.30 DINNER 7.45 Language Tutorial continues WINE RECEPTION hosted be Cambridge University Press Saturday 10 April 1999 Session A 9.00 Ricardo Berm dez-Otero (Manchester & Santiago deCompostela) "Opacity: evidence from West Germanic gemination" 9.40 Patrick Honeybone (Edge Hill) "Affrication and laryngeal specifications: diachronic evidence in phonology" 10.20 April McMahon (Cambridge) "Plus =C7a Change: Optimality theory and diachrony" Session B 9.00 Paul Rowlett (Salford) "French ne really is Neg 0" 9.40 Robert Borsley (Bangor) "Negation and NegP in Welsh" 10.20 Richard Breheny (RCEAL, Cambridge) "Plurals, negation and plural definites" Session C 9.00 Andrew Spencer and Marina Zarestskaya (Essex) "Stative middles in Russian" 9.40 Anna Siewierska (Lancaster) "Referent accessibility and person agreement paradigms" 10.20 Wilhelm Geuder (Konstanz) "Resultative adverbs" 11.00 COFFEE Session A 11.30 Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin and UCL) "The melodic structure of prenasalised plosives" 12.10 Glenn Frankenfield (East Wilton, Maine) "Constraints on consonant speech errors" Session B 11.30 Nigel Vincent (Manchester) "On the personal gerund in Old= Neapolitan" 12.10 Richard Hudson (UCL) "English gerunds" Session C 11.30 Christine Czinglar (Vienna) ""Pure" existentials as individual-level predicates" 12.10 William McClure (Queens College & CUNY) "The syntax of incremental theme" 1.00 LUNCH Session A 2.00 Leung Wing Pik (Bella, Hong Kong) "The use of imperatives in a bilingual child: achieving politeness?" 2.40 Ayumi Matsuo & Nigel Duffield (Connecticut & Quebec & McGill) "What children leave out that (L2) adults can't: ellipsis and anaphora in first and Second Language Acquisition." Session B 2.00 Ricardo Etxepere and Kleanthes Grohmann (LEHIA and Maryland) "Subjunctive "Root Infinitives"" 2.40 Ad Neeleman & Hans van de Koot (UCL) "The configurational matrix" 3.20 TEA AND CLOSE _____________________________________________________________________ BOOKING FORM Please return this form, with your remittance, to: Phillipa Cook, Department of Linguistics, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL. Please make cheques payable to "University of Manchester". (All prices are in pounds sterling ("stlg")). _____________________________________________________________________ NAME: INSTITUTION: ADDRESS FOR THIS MAILING: E-MAIL ADDRESS: I enclose remittance as indicated (select appropriate package): Conference fee at 20 pounds: 1. Complete conference package in en suite bedroom: (a) including Thursday lunch preceding workshop (i) if sent to arrive before 19 March 123.30 stlg .......... (ii) if sent to arrive after 19 March 137.00 stlg .......... (b) excluding Thursday lunch (i) if sent to arrive before 19 March 116.10 stlg .......... (ii) if sent to arrive after 19 March 129.00 stlg .......... (c) Surcharge for non-members, 5.00 stlg .......... TOTAL: .......... 2. Complete conference package in standard bedroom: (a) including Thursday lunch preceding workshop (i) if sent to arrive before 19 March 97.20 stlg .......... (ii) if sent to arrive after 19 March 108.00 stlg .......... (b) excluding Thursday lunch (i) if sent to arrive before 19 March 90.00 stlg .......... (ii) if sent to arrive after 19 March 100.00 stlg .......... (c) Surcharge for non-members, 5.00 stlg .......... TOTAL: .......... 3. Selected items: (a) conference fee (OBLIGATORY) to cover cost of abstracts, tea and coffee, room bookings, speakers' expenses etc. 20.00 stlg 20.00= stlg (b) Thursday lunch 8.00 stlg = .......... (c) Thursday dinner 8.50 stlg = .......... (d) B&B Thursday/Friday (en suite) 38.00 stlg = .......... (d) B&B Thursday/Friday (standard) 23.50 stlg = .......... (e) Friday lunch 8.00 stlg = .......... (f) Friday dinner 8.50 stlg = .......... (g) B&B Friday/Saturday (en suite) 38.00 stlg = .......... (g) B&B Friday/Saturday (standard) 23.50 stlg = .......... (h) Saturday lunch 8.00 stlg = .......... SUB-TOTAL:= .......... Deduct 10% if sent to arrive before 19 March = .......... (i) Surcharge for non-members, 5-00 stlg = .......... TOTAL: = .......... 4. Abstracts only, for those not attending: 5-00 stlg UK.................... 6-00 stlg overseas..................... TICK TO RECEIVE ABSTRACTS WITH YOUR BOOKING RECEIPT: ............... TICK IF YOU WOULD LIKE VEGETARIAN FOOD: ...................... OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS (e.g. DIET, ACCOMMODATION): ............. ............................................................................ ............................................................................ PLEASE INDICATE WHETHER YOU ARE TRAVELLING BY TRAIN ..... BY CAR ...... OTHER ........ Dr Marjolein Groefsema Linguistics University of Hertfordshire Watford Campus Aldenham Herts Wd2 8AT